Audit » Internal Audit

Internal Audit

As a key component in the expression of audit opinions, the importance of internal control systems has grown dramatically in the modern business environment.

Consequently, developing and improving internal audit functions has also become a big concern for many international businesses. These include many closely held, private companies that are not subject to corporate governance and similar regulatory constraints.

Internal audit has assumed a vital role in global risk management, especially for medium-sized and larger private companies that have grown substantially in recent years into worldwide organizations.

G&A Consulting can help you improve your risk management at a national or global level:

  • Internal audit advice, analyzing risk and regulatory environment, designing internal audit methodologies and processes, implementation advice and monitoring.

  • Internal audit co-sourcing, on a project-by-project basis or under worldwide framework arrangements.

  • Internal audit outsourcing.

Fraud Investigation

In a global business environment where margins and, consequently, bonus payments are falling, key people in an organization can face motivational conflicts. Furthermore, internal controls systems are not always up to speed with the latest developments in international organizations.

This situation can lead to much higher risks of fraud from within the organization. To address this risk, you need a professional service provider with truly global experience and the technical know-how to perform quick, efficient checks.

Fraud investigations typically analyze these risks:

  • Fraudulent financial reporting.

  • Misstatements arising from misappropriation of assets.

  • Improper or unauthorized expenditures, including bribery and other improper payment schemes.

  • Self-dealings including kickbacks.

  • Violations of laws and regulations.

Our fraud investigation services typically include:

  • Fraud prevention advice, risk assessments.

  • Creating a control environment and monitoring.

  • Electronic evidence discovery.

  • Forensic Services.

  • Integrated discovery and dispute services through multi-disciplinary teams.
